Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Signing Off

This will be, officially, the last entry of the Grads of 2010 blog - I believe it has fulfilled its historic task in informing you of events happening at the school. I hope, in any way, shape, or form, that this blog has helped answered some of your questions, and has helped your grad year in some ways.
For the grads of 2010 who are reading this, please keep in touch! If you haven't already, you can add me as your friend on Facebook (click here), or follow me on Twitter (click here). If you have any questions throughout the summer, you can always e-mail me at Please do not attempt to come to the school during the summer to find me, or call the school number looking for me. You most likely won't be able to - as much as I can, I will try to enjoy my summer vacation away from school, though I know I will be there from time to time.

If you have a younger sibling or neighbour who will be in grade 9 or grade 8 next year, I will continue to maintain a blog, this one with a new address. Come check it out (click here). I don't know about you, but I think this new design looks really, really good.
Other than that, this is the official sign-off from me. For the grads of 2010 - it has been a privilege working with all of you. I wish each and every one of you success in all your future endeavours! Good-bye! Au revoir! Ciao! 再見! さよなら! Paalam!

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