Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CFIG 2010 National Scholarship Program

Grade 11 and 12 Canadian resident students who are planning to enroll or expected to enroll in a post-secondary program of at least 2 years may be interested in this award.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG) is giving away one national scholarship of $6000, and 12 regional and high school scholarships of up to $1500. To apply, you must:
  • Write a 1000-word essay with proper referencing on one of three topics related to independent grocers and the food industries (details on the essay topics can be obtained online by going to CFIG's scholarship website - click here)
  • Provide a list of academic achievements, awards, and extra-curricular activities
  • Provide an official transcript of grades
  • Submit an application form
Applications must be sponsored by a CFIG store. To find a CFIG sponsor, e-mail with your name and area to which you live.

The application deadline for this award is May 31, 2010.

For more detailed instructions or to apply, visit CFIG's scholarship's website: click here

I also have a few information posters in my office, if you need to obtain one.

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