Monday, April 12, 2010

The Canada SOARS Awards Program 2010 (Update)

The Canada SOARS Awards Program recognizes students who demonstrate exceptional achievements in the areas of academics, arts, and community services. The program invites applications from secondary school students in grades 11 and 12 with a minimum grade average of 73% on their most recent report card. A panel of interdisciplinary professionals from the Canadian Club of Vancouver will select winners from both levels for each category of award.

This year's applicants must write an essay of no more than 500 words on the topic "The use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter by youth as a means of building a stronger Canada." In the essay, articulate your thoughts on the importance of social networking, its benefits or its problems drawing on your own experience within your school or beyond.

Each award will consist of a special Canada SOARS plaque and a scholarship of:
  • $200 for two runner-ups in each category (there are 3 categories)
  • $500 for the award recipient in each category
  • $500 for Award of Excellence runner-up
  • $750 for the Recipient of the Award of Excellence
For an information brochure, or an application form, please come in to see me. I can also e-mail you the information brochure and the application form. For this, please e-mail me at my vsb e-mail address.

Application deadline is May 3, 2010. (deadline has been extended)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that. It was very helpful. I know that writing essays is a chore for most of us but I have stumbled upon this website that helps to ease that burden. Explore this website to find out how it can help you in doing so. Hopefully it helps you too!
