Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Templeton's Heal Haiti Project

Templeton's Student Council has launched a two-week campaign called the "Heal Haiti Project." The goal of this project is to raise $5000 for Haitians who suffered (and are still suffering) from the massive earthquake and subsequent aftershocks a week ago.

This two-week campaign contains three major events:
  1. Two back-to-back TIP days during third block on Thursday and Friday (January 21st and 22nd) to collect changes as donations to the Haitians
  2. Bake sale at lunch in the front foyer, from January 25th to 28th (Monday to Thursday of next week)
  3. A teacher vs. student DDR competition on Friday, January 29th at lunch, in the auditorium. Admission to the event is $1/student. Students who wish to compete against the teachers pay $2 to participate. If you want to watch the likes of Mr. Wong and yours truly make a total fool of ourselves with our dance moves, PLEASE attend this event!
All joking aside, THANK YOU, student council, for putting together this very important campaign. When tragedies like the Haitian earthquake strike, we are actually brought closer together to one another. Let us all do our small but important part to help.

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