Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January Provincial Exams

For students who are going to be writing one/more provincial exams in January, please read this post VERY CAREFULLY:

January provincial exams will take place from Monday, January 25 to Friday, January 29. The morning exams will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., while the afternoon exams will take place from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. All exams are two hours long, and you may stay up to an extra hour to finish the exam.

(For a complete schedule of the January provincial exams, click here)

Exams administered at Templeton will take place in the computer lab in the library. All exams will be done electronically. If you have not registered to write an exam, but needs to write one, please see Mr. Mark in Room 203 directly to ensure that there are enough computers for you to do the exam.

Sample and practice exams can be found online. Download them, and use them to prepare yourself. Exams can be found here.

Several of you have not written a required provincial exam needed for graduation. Please note: even if you have successfully passed the school portion of the course, you must have written the exam to earn the credit. This is true for English 10, Mathematics 10, Science 10, and social studies 11. If you are not sure if you have written the required provincial exam(s), please come in and see me immediately.

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