Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friendship Pages

If you want to have a friendship page (or friendship pages) in this year's yearbook, this is the opportunity to purchase one.

You can design your own, or you can have students from Ms. Kim's yearbook class design it for you. You can use your own pictures, combine them with group pictures taken from your Artona session, or create your own artistic version that would represent you and your friends. For technical specifications, please see Ms. Kim, Jessica H., or one of the yearbook staff.

Each full-colour friendship page will cost $250 (if you have a group of 10 friends, that works out to $25/person for a page that would be read by all, cherished by you). A $50 deposit must be paid by January 29, 2010.

There is a limited number of friendship pages available, so please act quickly and purchase one, two, or three pages before they are bought by other groups.

For a sample of past friendship pages (to see what a friendship page is all about, or to get some ideas to start your design), check out the last 8 or 16 pages from our previous yearbooks. If you do not have a copy of an old yearbook handy, you can come see me, or drop by Ms. Kim's class.

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