Thursday, November 19, 2009

University Profile Information Package

I have just received a resource package from Mr. Hayes titled "Institution Profile Booklet and Counsellor Resource." In it are contact information, introduction, and brief descriptions of programs that are offered from universities across Canada.

For BC's universities, you have probably gathered information that are much more detailed that what this package contains; however, if you are planning to attend a university in the Atlantic provinces, the prairie provinces, Ontario, or Quebec, this resource is still very valuable.

The package contains over 90 pages, and you may only need a few pages from it, so I am not going to be printing out the package to give to you. However, if you want to take a look at the package, I can e-mail that to you as a .pdf file. Also, if you want specific information about a school, I can print out the specific page(s).

e-mail me at, or come to my office to ask for a specific page(s) printed.

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