Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BCIT Updates

For those of you who were not able to talk to/listen to the BCIT representatives on post-secondary day, here are some important updated information that may be of interests to you:

  • BCIT is hosting ongoing campus tours for you to "get a feel" of campus life. Registration for groups (18 people or more) and individuals can be processed through BCIT's online tour registration system. You can either register on line (click here) or call 604-432-8583.
  • BCIT also hosts an event called "Spend-A-Day" where you can actually spend a day to test out a program that interests you to see if BCIT is really a good fit for your educational aspirations. To find out more, go to the "Spend-A-Day" website (click here).
  • Provincial Exams Requirements: For programs that require either English or Communications 12, provincial exams must be written. For programs that require grade 12 math and science courses, provincial exams are optional.
  • Application for all of BCIT's trades program: applications are accepted and processed on an ongoing basis.
  • Application for the technology programs: most programs began accepting applications on October 1. BCIT will continue to accept applications until the program is full. (Implication: apply ASAP)

There are a number of ways that students can learn more information about BCIT and its programs:
  • Leave your name and number with student information and enrollment services at 604-434-1610. Someone will return your call.
  • View the information yourself at the program advising website (click here)
  • Submit an e-mail to an enrollment officer at the "Ask an Advisor" website (click here)
  • For financial aid and awards information, go to the financial aid's website (click here)

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