Monday, November 30, 2009

University of Waterloo Admission Information

I was at University of Waterloo's info session this past Saturday, and from the info session, I think there are some interesting facts that may be of interest to you:

  • Waterloo has the largest co-op program in the world. Students can spend up to 6 terms working, creating networks for your career, while earning valuable income that could pay for your degree.
  • You can apply to be in the co-op program when you apply to Waterloo - no need to wait for years 2 or 3 to begin.
  • Waterloo guarantees a spot in the residence for all first year students who are offered admission
  • Waterloo has an "independent studies" program which allows you to design your own degree and curriculum. More information can be found by clicking here.
  • Admission requirement: 75% minimum for all faculties
  • Courses: In addition to English 12, 4 grade 12 academic courses, which INCLUDES academic courses without a provincial exam such as Psychology 12 and Law 12. For more information on what grade 12 courses are considered academic, contact an academic advisor at UW directly. To find out who to contact, e-mail UW's recruitment officer Jocelyn Ridgway at
  • Waterloo does not look at repeated courses favourably. The Faculty of Mathematics will deduct 1% off from your admission averages if you are repeating a course; the Faculty of Engineering would deduct 3% off your admission averages if you are repeating a course.
  • Automatic Scholarships for certain admission averages: $1000 for students with 85% or above; $2000 for students with 90% or above, and more for students with a 95% average.
  • The Ministry of Education will send your term 2 marks in automatically, but this will NOT arrive in time for the admission process; therefore, you MUST ask the school to send an official transcript to UW before March 31.
  • Still want to find out more, take a virtual tour at UW's campus (Click here) or request for a variety of brochures (click here)
  • I also have some pamphlets, postcards, and brochures in my office. Feel free to come by to look at them.

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