Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Public Guardian and Trustee Educational Assistance Fund

The Public Guardian and Trustee Educational Assistance Fund is a bursary program that assists students who are planning to study at a post-secondary level in an academic, technical, or vocational program between September 2010 to August 2011.

To be eligible, an applicant must be a former permanent ward of the Province of BC and be planning to study at a post-secondary institution. In selecting successful applicants, consideration will be given to financial need, past marks, and sated career goals. Applicants are required to attach a copy of their most recent transcript. Applicants are encouraged to provide reference letters in support of their suitability for their chosen career.

More information can be obtained at the following website: click here

Application deadline is April 15, 2010.

Application forms can be obtained from my office.

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